My 5 most used $Bash commands

3 min readNov 28, 2020


Hey there! My name’s Makar Baderko, I’m a 12-year-old Data Scientist and today I would like to talk about 5 most used commands in $Bash with you.

Sorry about this, but I must do it:

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Every programmer sometimes used terminal: maybe for Python/NPM installation, maybe for trying to Hack Someone’s Phone…

But many coders don’t know even basics of it and use it only with guided tutorials.

Today I will try to fix this Human Bug.

1. Python3

Because my primary programming language is Python, I often run it in the terminal, and bash has a special command for it (If Python is installed in the system). You can just write python3 and a path to the file you want to run. For example:

2. SSH

To connect to AWS, GCP or Azure servers you can use the ssh command. But the ssh keys should be set up. For example: “ssh -i keypair.pem makarbaderko@” will connect to my server with IP, using the username makarbaderko and file keypair.pem as an ssh key.

3. Jupyter

You can run Jupyter Notebook/Lab (IDE for Data Scientists) from the command line, not using the Conda Navigator. Be careful — notebook opens in the same directory in which you were situated in bash!

4. Git

Git is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in any set of files. You can connect it to your Github/Gitlab account and also push changes to the remote repository. I recommend each developer to use Git in each project.

5. Wget

Wget is a $bash command that can be used to download any file from the internet.




Hey there! My name's Makar Baderko, I'm 12 years old and I live in Moscow, Russia. I really love Data Science and Machine learning!