Code Commenting Made Simple

Hey there! My name’s Makar Baderko, I’m a 12-year-old Data Scientist and today I would like to talk about comments in Python with you.
Sorry for this, but I must do it:
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„Good code is self-commented“
Types of Python comments:
In-Function First-Line Comments
Documentation comments are for anyone who will ever use your source code but are unlikely to understand or read it correctly. If you are creating a library or framework that will be used by other developers, then you will need to develop documentation for the API. The can be seen by pressing cmd + Tab after the function name when calling.
def sum(a, b):
""" This function outputs the float sum of two numbers"""
First-line Comments
In First-Line comments, you may say some things, you usually put in the file that is the main description of a repository.
"""Colour is an open-source Python package providing a comprehensive number of algorithms and datasets for colour science.It is freely available under the New BSD License terms."""Some code
What-It-Does Comments
What-Id-Does comments are usually being used to make the reader understand what does the complex mathematical formula, or really profound piece of language syntaxis do.
def hypothenuse(a, b): #calculates hyp. using the Pythagorean theorem(a^2 + b^2 = c^2) return(np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2))
Up here you saw basic comment types in Python3.
Thanks a lot, thumbs up! 👍